Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Title Update Soon

For those of you out there with some game breaking bugs and other mishaps, there is a title update launching soon to hopefully fix some of those problems...

"Also coming soon, fans will see some positive changes to the “Fable III” gameplay via a Title Update. Lionhead Studios has been hard at work addressing gameplay issues in the massive world of Fable III. In addition, a new voice over pack will be released for some regions, adding even more polish to the adventure. Title update fixes will address the following and more:

- General gameplay progression and spawning issues
- Sanctuary map and audio functionality
- Isolated corrupted game saves
- General performance surrounding Orbs, audio, frame rates and other features"

This should be out soon enough, and was said to be up around the time of the DLC...so watch this space if you are having problems with your game.

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